Papers, 1776-1820.


Papers, 1776-1820.

Incoming and outgoing correspondence of Daniel L. Coit, a partner in and agent of the firm Coit & Lathrop. Primary correspondents were Joseph Waldo and Thomas Truman. Letters concern trade in medicinal drugs with England, France and Holland and the pressing need for goods due to serious shortages from the war. The papers also include a bill of sale to Coit for 9/16 interest in the Brigantine Clarissa; two letters from Coit's nephew, William Hubbard, on a trip to South American, 1786; drawing of a windmill and a water screw; and the will of his wife's sister-in-law, Jerusha Lathrop, 1799.

40 items ; 33 cm. or less.


SNAC Resource ID: 7763428

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